Monday, July 6, 2009

We're In The Middle Of A Crash

'We're In The Middle Of A Crash' Predicted By "The Black Swan"
There Was An International Financial Crisis In 2007 And 2008

By Nassim Taleb | 6 July 2009

See video:

The financial system is crashing and action must be taken by the US government to convert debt into equity to produce a more stable environment, Nassim Taleb, author of "The Black Swan," told CNBC Thursday. "You may have green shoots, whatever you want to call them, you may have temporary relief, but you are still in a world that's breaking," Taleb said on "Squawk Box."

Anything that's as fragile as the current international and U.S. financial system will eventually crash, he said. "We're in the middle of a crash," Taleb said. "So if I'm going to forecast something, it is that it's going to get worse, not better". The government needs to deleverage debt and not try stimulus packages that will inflate assets, he said. [[You can't blow up a broken balloon again; FDR tried it and failed.: normxxx]]

IMF: International Mortgage Reset Chart

U.S. Mortgage Reset Chart

"What makes me very pessimistic is not seeing any leadership or awareness on the parts of governments on what has to be done, which is deleverage $40 to $70 trillion," Taleb said. [[To staunch the imminent huge second wave of foreclosures.: normxxx]] "The monkey on our back is debt," he added. As an example, Taleb said banks should not be sending demands for larger and larger sums from homeowner in arrears on their mortgage. Instead the bank should offer to lower the monthly payments in return for part-ownership of the property. [[Good idea, BUT, in our derivative world, who makes up the difference to the end lenders!?!— who are mostly not the banks?: normxxx]]

"People would be able to start from scratch on a healthy basis. You don't want to wait for foreclosure," he said. The Obama administration's attempts to fight the financial crisis with more cash is like "treating a bad tooth with Novocain instead of a root canal". The main problem is the level of debt, and Taleb compared the authorities' efforts with those of a not very skilled pilot who is trying to land a Concorde on a narrow strip, between an ocean of deflation and a mountain of hyperinflation.

"These people failed us before, they're going to fail us again," Taleb told CNBC. "They tell the banks to 'lend more but with less leverage'" and expect people to go out and "consume while unemployment is rising", he added. "The way to restart everything is restructuring, conversion of debt into equity, convince people that debt is not good.""Do not delay the root canal. Do not do 'piecemeal' solutions to a problem that is fundamental. The solution is there, convert debt to equity. Usually it happens with Chapter 11, let's do it faster, and across the board," Taleb concluded.

Slideshow: The 15 U.S. States with the Worst Expected Budget Gaps

Slideshow: The World's Biggest Debtor Countries


Yes Virginia, There Was An International Financial Crisis In 2007 And 2008

By Brad Setser | 23 June 2009

Now that the markets have lost a bit of their froth, it seems fitting to note just how sharply trade— and private financial flows— have contracted over the past year. The US Q1 balance of payments data is rather stunning. (Trade— as we all know— contracted far more rapidly during this cycle than in the past.)

Click Here, or on the image, to see a larger, undistorted image.

But the fall in private financial flows— outflows as well as inflows— has been even sharper than the fall in trade flows. US private investment in the rest of the world rebounded a bit in the first quarter, but private demand for US financial assets remained in the doldrums. Private investors were still pulling funds out of the US in the first quarter.

A close examination of the graph indicates that demand for US financial assets by private investors abroad actually peaked in the second quarter of 2007— a peak that came after gross private flows (inflows as well as outflows) rose strongly in 2005 and 2006. That surge was— in my view— linked to the chain of risk associated with a world where central banks took the currency risk associated with financing the US external deficit and private intermediaries took the credit risk associated with financing ever more indebted US households. Any interpretation of what caused the crisis has to explain this surge. But any interpretation of the crisis also needs to explain why US imports and exports continued to rise— and the US trade and current account deficit remained large— even after private inflows collapsed.

I suspect that part of the answer is that a lot of private inflows were linked to private outflows— as special investment vehicles operating in, say, the US could only buy long-term US mortgage bonds if someone in the US bought their short-term paper. The fact that private outflows collapsed along with private inflows meant that net private flows didn’t fall at the same rate. Indeed, at times— notably in Q4 2008— the fact that US investors pulled funds out of the rest of the world faster than foreign investors pulled funds out of the US provided the US with a significant amount of net financing.

And part of the answer is that private investors never were the only source of financing for the US current account deficit. Strong central bank demand— especially in late 2007 and early 2008— offset the fall in private flows. One thing though is sure: the scale of the collapse in private financial flows during this crisis is entirely unprecedented. There were a few instances in the past when private flows (excluding flows into Treasuries) were slightly negative. But outflows of 5% of GDP in a quarter are entirely unprecedented. And now that the US data has been revised to reflect the survey, adding private purchases of Treasuries back in doesn’t change all that much.

Net private demand for long-term US financial assets— that is purchases of US securities and foreign direct investment in the US, net of US purchases of foreign securities and US direct investment abroad— has been weak for some time now. There is more to say on the details of the balance of payments data, but I’ll live it for another post.

Click Here, or on the image, to see a larger, undistorted image.

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