By John Mauldin | 5 February 2010
Unemployment Numbers: A Mixed Bag
A Bubble In Search Of A Pin
And Speaking of Bubbles
Should Greenspan and Bernanke have seen the bubble in housing and other assets and acted, or should we accept their defense that you can't know whether there is a bubble until after the fact? We will look at research that suggests they should have known, and, at the least, policy makers should no longer be allowed to say, "How could I have known?"
Of course, the employment numbers came out this morning, and the results are mixed; but that is better than they have been for the past two years. We dig into the numbers to see what they are really saying. And finally, we examine why the markets are so volatile. Is it just Greece, or is there more? There's a lot of very interesting, and important, material to cover.
But first, and quickly, as I wrote in Outside the Box a few weeks ago, I am starting to very selectively buy biotech stocks, and mostly, though not exclusively, companies associated with the regenerative genetic revolution that is coming our way. I am convinced that this is going to be a decade of the most amazing medical breakthroughs, which will literally change (and in many cases extend) our lives, as therapies to treat all sorts of diseases become available.
This is the last time I am going to mention it, but here is the link to that OTB, which analyzes why we may see a bubble in biotech stocks before the end of the decade. The OTB was written by my friend Pat Cox, who covers these stocks and other technological marvels in his newsletter, Breakthrough Technology Alert. I have been following Pat for some time now, have talked extensively with him, and think he is one of those guys who have a handle on what by all accounts is going to be an amazing decade of breakthroughs.
I have asked his publisher to offer my readers a very discounted subscription price for one more week. (Ignore the deadline of February 5.) And yes, the promotional piece is a little over the top, as it is for most subscription newsletters (I am lucky mine is free— I don't have to do that). But I think his letter has a lot of substance. The link to the site is in the Outside the Box. Don't procrastinate. Join me, because for once in my life, dear God, I want to be in at the beginning of a bubble. And now to our letter.
Unemployment Numbers: A Mixed Bag
January employment numbers are characteristically volatile, as the birth/death ratio numbers are typically the largest of the year. This month the birth/death model subtracted (rather than added) 427,000 jobs (yes, I wrote that correctly). This is a very large "adjustment" month, and the volatility gets smoothed over in the seasonal adjustments. It is part and parcel of the process, as making estimates about how many new businesses are formed or die is extraordinarily difficult at turning points in the economy.
As an acknowledgment of that, the employment level for March 2009 was revised down by 930,000 jobs, and by December it was a total of almost 1.4 million extra jobs lost. That means that the Bureau of Labor Statistics overestimated the number of new jobs significantly. December's job loss was really 150,000, not the 85,000 originally reported. How would the markets have reacted to a number that large?
January saw a slightly larger than estimated loss of 22,000 jobs, which would have been 53,000 without new federal employees, 9,000 of whom were hired to perform the census. (By the way, federal employment is absolutely exploding!)
Now, the somewhat good news. I have been writing about how the household survey has been much weaker for almost two years than the establishment survey. For instance, the total number of unemployed rose by 589,000 in December, while the number of people not classified as looking for work rose by 843,000. No matter how you spin it, those were very ugly numbers.
This month the household survey showed the largest one-month turnaround that I could find. As The Liscio Report noted:
The work-week hours rose slightly. Income growth was better than it has been. Temporary workers rose, which is typically a harbinger of an increase in full-time employment. The number of people working part-time for economic reasons plummeted by 849,000.
And finally, the unemployment rate fell 0.3% to 9.7%. This of course means that more people are dropping out of the labor pool, and it also means they will at some point come back. On the negative side, a loss of 22,000 jobs is nowhere close to the 100,000 new jobs that are needed just to hold unemployment steady. 41% of those unemployed have been so for over 6 months.
And quoting David Rosenberg:
Finally, a very sad chart, courtesy of David. Those in the 25-54 year-old male category have seen their total number of jobs fall back to the level it was in 1996. Fourteen years later, and the "breadwinners" who are supposedly in their prime have seen an almost 10% drop in employment. Nevertheless, while January employment numbers are very volatile, and are likely to be adjusted either up or down by a lot in coming months, this report was not the disaster of December.

But it still shows a very weak economy that certainly does not need a large tax hike next year. I hope we start seeing some positive numbers soon, but I am not optimistic that we are going to see the 200,000-plus new jobs per month we need to really start denting the unemployment numbers, for some time. Not when the National Federation of Independent Business says 71% of small businesses do not plan to hire this year.
The Fed is taking away quantitative easing. Stimulus spending is exiting in the last half of the year. States and communities are having to either raise taxes or cut spending by $350 billion! I heard on the radio coming back from the gym (I think it was my friend Steve Liesman on CNBC) that there are now 55,000 fewer teachers than a few years ago.
And again from the NFIB, small businesses see very tight credit conditions, which makes it hard for them to expand (see chart below). The headlines this week from the Fed banking survey said that banks were prone to be less tight, but the NFIB writers went deep into the report. What they found is that very large banks are willing to be less tight in their lending standards.
Smaller banks were in fact not as easy. Loan demand is falling. Consumer credit actually declined slightly in December, after plunging in November. If you can't count on Americans to buy during Christmas, the world is in fact moving to the New Frugal.

All this is not the stuff that robust recoveries are made of. We drift back into Muddle Through the last half of the year, I think. And if Congress does not act to postpone or mitigate the enormous tax increases due in 2011, we slip back into recession. It will be a policy error of major magnitude to raise taxes with 10% unemployment and a weak economy.
A Bubble In Search Of A Pin
We are once again going to return to the book highlighted the last few weeks, This Time Is Different, by Carmen M. Reinhart and Kenneth Rogoff. This is a book you should buy and read, especially the last 4-5 chapters, and try to get your Congressman to read it as well, so he or she can see what happens to countries that run up their debt. It makes no difference if it is small or large, the end result is the same.
Last week we looked at the role of confidence in allowing governments to borrow money. This week we ask whether Greenspan and Bernanke, along with the entire Fed, should have been able to determine whether a bubble was building in the US economy and lean against it, preventing the debacle we are now in. Reinhart and Rogoff gently come down on the side of those who think they should have, and that we need to implement changes in our institutions. Others, as we will see, are not so gentle. Let's look at a few selected paragraphs I pulled off my Kindle.
The evidence is there. So why did the Fed miss it?
A more pointed critique is leveled at the Fed and Greenspan, and at Bernanke in particular, by Andrew Smithers in his powerful book (now updated) Wall Street Revalued: Imperfect Markets and Inept Central Bankers. The foreword is by one of my favorite analysts, Jeremy Grantham. This is on the top of my reading list for the coming week. I am loving the first part, which ties nicely into the themes explored by Reinhart and Rogoff.
The book is a withering critique of the Efficient Market Hypothesis (EMH), among other economic theories. Smithers argues that because the tenets of EMH are so ingrained, Greenspan and Bernanke could not recognize the bubble, because they believed in the efficiency of markets. "Dismissing financial crisis on the grounds that bubbles and busts cannot take place because that would imply irrationality is to ignore a condition for the sake of theory". Which they did.
As Grantham wrote in the foreword:
Reinhart and Rogoff show time and time again that bubbles always end in tears. Markets and investors are in fact irrational. What kind of Fed governor would it have taken to suggest that housing was in a bubble and we were going to have to take steps to slow it down— raising rates, analyzing securitization and ratings? It would have taken one tough hombre. In fact, we had Greenspan, who encouraged the unchecked expansion of the securitized derivatives market. And a Congress that would not allow proper supervision of Fannie and Freddie (which is going to cost US taxpayers on the order of $400 billion). The list is long.
And Speaking Of Bubbles
This week the turmoil that is Greece continues. One of my favorite quotes comes from Donald Morris, writing in June of 1993 (hat tip to Dennis Gartman):
Have things changed? From here it does not seem so. Greece apparently hid about 40 billion euros of debt from the public and EU governing bodies. (If the government can hide that much, is it any wonder that individual Greeks themselves can hide their income and pay so little in actual taxes? They have made it an art form!)
In response to just the initial phase of belt tightening [[which the Irish have accepted with hardly a murmer: normxxx]], Greek unions are launching strikes and protests. What will happen when it gets serious?
Stratfor estimates that Greek deficits may actually run as high as 15% of GDP rather than "just" the 10% or so publicly revealed. That will require far more than a little belt tightening. Let's look at the record. Greece has been in default for 105 years out of the last 200. They have never had a balanced budget, at least not willingly.
The EU is backed into a corner. They have this treaty that says governments will act in certain ways. Greece is flaunting that treaty.
Everyone acts as if Greece defaulting on its debt would be the end of the EU. Will the EU force Greece to withdraw if they do not control their budget? Upon reflection, I am not so sure.
Let's take that proposition to the US. What if Illinois defaulted on its debt? Would we kick them out of the Union? Hardly. A default would mean a severe loss of credit, a forced retrenching, and a severe economic crisis in Illinois.
The losses would be serious for banks and investors. There would be negotiations on how to deal with the debt, who gets a haircut on their bonds, what pension assets and expenses would be cut, and so on. A crisis? Yes. End of the world? No.
So what if Greece does default? The banks and those who lent them the money would take a loss of some amount. The cost of borrowing for Greece would rise dramatically, if they could even get into the debt market. If they actually cut their budgets enough to deal with the deficit in a responsible way, it would mean, at best, a severe and prolonged recession.
If Stratfor is right about deficits reaching 15% of GDP, it could mean a depression. They have no good choices. It is doubtful that German and French voters will be happy with any bailout using their tax money that does not impose serious cuts in Greek budgets, with realistic controls as a condition for the bailout. Can Greece live with that? We'll see.
But is it so unthinkable that Greece could simply default and then be forced by the market to get realistic about its deficits? The same market forces that work in Illinois can work in Greece. But if the EU does bail out Greece, what then of Ireland, which is making the tough choices?
Will Portugal be next? If Greece is allowed to fail, or better, actually shows some fiscal discipline, that bodes well for the EU in the long run. It will be a lesson that each nation is responsible to maintain its own house. The data presented by Reinhart and Rogoff show clearly that adding yet more suffocating debt to a bloated debt crisis is not the solution. It simply puts off the inevitable.
Greece is an intractable problem. From here it looks like default or a very serious recession, with large unemployment numbers. But in the meantime the Greek situation is adding volatility to risk markets of all types. I have written before of the connection between what is called the euro-yen cross and risk markets all over the world.
Right now, you can borrow money very cheaply in dollars and yen (the so-called carry trade). When investors want to reduce risk, they pay back those loans, which has the result of increasing the value of the dollar and the yen. That is what is happening with the euro-yen cross as of this morning. It is in the process of falling out of bed. And so are risk markets. Markets do not like uncertainty. And Greece and Portugal and Spain are uncertainty in spades.
If Greece defaults, who owns the debt? Which banks? My bank? Will they call my loan? This happened in 2008 a lot! Can it happen again?
We still have banks all over the world that are 'too big too fail'. [[In fact, ironically, more than in 2008, since many of the 'larger' banks have had to absorb smaller and weaker banks.: normxxx]] Credit default swaps are not on an exchange (because to do that would make them less profitable for the investment banks that sell them, and thus the lobbyists have convinced Congress to ignore them). Are we at the place where we can think the unthinkable? That sovereign nations can in fact default? I think we see a de facto default by Japan this decade. Do not assume that we have weathered the storm. We may just be getting ready for the next one. [[Or, rather, we may merely be passing through the 'eye' of the 2008 - ? credit crisis storm!: normxxx]]
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