By TheBigPicture | 14 February 2008
Signs Of Things To Come...
Overview: Failed muni bond auctions deepen crises
Dave Shellock in London and Michael Mackenzie in New York, FT, February 13 2008
"When an asset like real estate becomes overvalued, even if you drop interest rates to zero, you can't force consumers to borrow more, because they've already borrowed too much. Nor can you force lenders to lend, because they're already puking on 'bad paper.' It's called a liquidity trap."
-Bob Campbell, San Diego Real Estate Timing
"The Federal Reserve's interest-rate cuts last month have failed to lower borrowing costs for many companies and households, increasing the chance of further reductions from the central bank.
"Companies are paying more to borrow now than before the Fed reduced its benchmark rate by 1.25 percentage point over nine days in January, based on data compiled by Merrill Lynch & Co. Rates on so-called jumbo mortgages, those above $417,000, have increased in the past month, making it tougher to sell properties and risking further and steeper price declines."
"[Monday] night, the lead story on ABC evening news (World News) was ‘though the Fed has cut interest rates sharply in recent weeks, banks and credit card companies are hiking rates on consumers.’" [[But of course; that's what the Fed intended all along, a steepening of the credit curve so the banks could get whole on the backs of the lowly consumer— you surely didn't think those cuts were for our benefit did you(!?!) stupid consumer! We get all of the wonderful inflationary effects of rate cuts— but none of the economic benefits.: normxxx]]
Chase, Bank One and Bank of American were cited. The ABC News reporter said banks are hiking consumer interest rates and fees to cover losses on their crappy paper. [[Yes, it’s that blatant and transparent.: normxxx]]
Tigger Economics

Abstract: Housing and Monetary Policy
Since the mid-1980s, monetary policy has contributed to a great moderation of the housing cycle by responding more proactively to inflation and thereby reducing the boom bust cycle. However, during the period from 2002 to 2005, the short term interest rate path deviated significantly from what this two decade experience would suggest is appropriate. A counter-factual simulation with a simple model of the housing market shows that this deviation may have been a cause of the boom and bust in housing starts and inflation in the last two years. Moreover, a significant time series correlation between housing price inflation and delinquency rates suggests that the poor credit assessments on subprime mortgages may also have been caused by this deviation. (John B. Taylor, Stanford University, September 2007, Full Paper)

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REAL Retail Sales Fall to 2003 Levels: Thursday, February 14, 2008

This is the first negative Real Retail Sales number this cycle. This strongly suggests a US recession is either underway or due any month now. And that's using CPI as the inflation adjustment factor. It's well understood amongst the more economically sophisticated readers that CPI understates inflation.
In today's WSJ, Art Laffer critiques the stimulus package:

Now, I have no real love of this stimulus package— why $300? Why not $3,000 or $3,000,000?— however, since it was written, by the father of supply side economics, I knew there had to be something amusing to be found in it. Art Laffer did not disappoint:
As my former colleague and friend Milton Friedman liked to say, "There's no such thing as a free lunch," and this rebate is exactly what he meant. The net effect is that the reduction in demand from those who pay the real resources will be exactly the same size as the increase in demand from the rebate recipients. It's sad but true. Income effects always net to zero in a closed system."
A rather unintentional howler. You see, one of the arguments the Supply-Siders have put forth is that tax cuts pay for themselves. (This has since been thoroughly debunked).
That's rather ironic: The latest bunch of free-lunchers, are being called out as, well, a bunch of free-lunchers, by the original free-luncher! Apparently, its only a free lunch if it does not involve tax cuts— if it involves spending only.
More Humor...
Navigating the Rate-Freeze Maze via the WSJ:
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